Donate today: help us change lives
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Donate today: help us change lives

Donate Today

Every donation over $2 is tax deductible.

Samaritans has been proudly supporting our community for 40 years.

With cost-of-living pressure and a rental crisis impacting many people’s ability to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, your generosity has never been more important.

Tax time is approaching. We want to remind our supporters that every donation over $2 is tax deductible.

Your contribution will help support Samaritans Student Accommodation in Wickham.

This service provides safe and secure housing for young people at risk of homelessness within our region.

Over the past decade, the student accommodation has supported almost 200 young people as they continue their education journey.

Nearly 90% of students have completed their studies or apprenticeships during their stay.

Samaritans Student Accommodation receives no government funding.

It can only continue to operate with donations from our local community.

Every donation over $2 is tax deductible.

So, donate today and help us change lives.